Bishop Lucien Almonard

Bishop Lucien Almonard has been doing the Lord's work for many years, in his native homeland of Haiti. He received the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus Name when he was 10 years old. From that time on he began sharing the Gospel of Jesus Name in a predominately devil worshipping region. When he was 18 years old, he enlisted in the Haitian navy so he could work closely with the American navy and learn English.  After completing his time in the military, he was hired as a translator for missionaries and soon accepted his own calling to be an evangelist to his native people. He began walking the streets of Haiti conducting one revival after another trying to follow God's call of leading others to the Truth. One day he requested permission from a voodoo priest to hold a revival meeting in his yard in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. God moved on the heart of this devil worshipping man to grant that permission.  As a result of this endeavor, fifty people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, including the voodoo priest. Bishop Almonard was then able to establish his very first church. Soon thereafter, he was approached by ten orphans who begged him to provide them with shelter. They were starving children who lived in fear of being captured and offered as sacrifices in voodoo rituals. Bishop Almonard had no logical way to give these children food and shelter, but God made a way. They did not always have food to eat, but they were protected by God's hand. Now, for over 30 years he has operated a ministry to orphans. Hundreds of children have now been protected from starvation, from being made sacrifices to false gods, and from being sold into the slave trades. Living in the orphanage in Port-Au-Prince today, there are 65 children between the ages of 2 and 7. Bishop Almonard presides over 25 churches in Haiti. He operates 3 primary schools (free of charge), to provide academic education for Haitian children and teach the Word of God to them. Bishop Almonard also has ten churches, two schools, and an orphanage that is home to twenty-four children in the Dominican Republic. He travels between the two countries quite frequently and works tirelessly to help the people God has called him to. He truly is spent and being spent for the Kingdom of God.